
  • 2023年9月3日


    Agreement with Idiom: A Key to Writing for SEO

    As a copy editor, one of the most important things you can do to write effective, search engine optimized content is to ensure that all the phrases and expressions used in the text are agreed upon with their idiomatic usage. This means that the phrases should be used in their commonly accepted form, rather than being altered or twisted to fit a particular SEO strategy.

    While it is true that using certain keywords and phrases can help improve the search engine ranking of a website or blog, it is crucial to remember that these phrases should be used in their proper context and form. If the meaning or syntax of a phrase is altered to fit an SEO strategy, the resulting content may read poorly or even appear spammy, leading to a decrease in traffic and engagement.

    One common mistake that many writers make is to try to cram as many keywords and phrases as possible into their content, regardless of whether or not they fit within the idiom. This can lead to awkward phrasing and unnatural language, which can negatively impact the effectiveness of the content.

    Instead, focus on using idiomatic expressions and phrases that naturally complement the topic at hand. This will not only improve the readability and engagement of the content, but it will also help to naturally include relevant keywords and phrases that align with the search intent of users.

    When editing content, keep an eye out for stilted or awkward phrases that do not sound natural. Rewriting these phrases to better align with idiomatic usage will not only make the content more engaging for readers, but it will also make it more likely to appear in search results for relevant queries.

    In conclusion, while SEO is certainly important for improving the visibility and ranking of a website or blog, it should never come at the expense of idiomatic agreement. By focusing on using natural, idiomatic expressions and phrases, writers can create content that is both effective for SEO and engaging for readers. As a professional, it is your responsibility to ensure that all content is properly edited to reflect this balance.