Pronoun Agreement and Pronoun Reference Examples


Pronoun Agreement and Pronoun Reference Examples: Clear Communication in Writing

As a copy editor, you know that effective writing involves more than just having great ideas and a way with words; it also requires careful attention to detail. One area of writing that is often overlooked but can have a significant impact on how well a piece is received is pronoun agreement and reference.

In this article, we’ll explore what pronoun agreement and reference are, why they matter, and provide some examples to help you ensure clear communication in your writing.

What is Pronoun Agreement?

Pronoun agreement refers to the matching of pronouns with the nouns they replace in a sentence. The rules of pronoun agreement can be straightforward in simple sentences, but they can become more complex in longer or more complicated sentences.

For example:

Incorrect: Each student must submit their own project.

Correct: Each student must submit his or her own project.

In the incorrect sentence, “their” is a plural pronoun, but “student” is a singular noun. In the correct sentence, “his or her” is used to show that each student is responsible for their own project (without relying on a plural pronoun).

Here are some other examples:

Incorrect: The team is practicing for their game.

Correct: The team is practicing for its game.

Incorrect: The board members are bringing their own opinions to the meeting.

Correct: The board members are bringing their opinion to the meeting.

What is Pronoun Reference?

Pronoun reference refers to the use of pronouns to refer to a previously mentioned noun (known as an antecedent) or to avoid repeating the noun. Pronoun reference is critical in ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and easy to understand, as it helps the reader follow the flow of ideas.

For example:

Unclear: Sarah went to the store and she bought some fruit.

Clear: Sarah went to the store and bought some fruit.

In the unclear sentence, it is unclear who “she” refers to because there are two women (Sarah and another unidentified person) in the sentence. In the clear sentence, the pronoun is omitted altogether.

Here are some other examples:

Unclear: The dog played with the ball, and it rolled away.

Clear: The dog played with the ball, and the ball rolled away.

Unclear: Alex told his wife that he would be home late, and she was unhappy.

Clear: Alex told his wife that he would be home late, and his wife was unhappy.


Pronoun agreement and reference may seem like minor details, but they can have a significant impact on how clearly your writing is understood. As a copy editor, it is important to pay attention to these details to ensure that your work is professional, clear, and easy to read. Use the examples provided in this article to help you communicate effectively in your writing!
