Agreement for Life Coaching


Agreement for Life Coaching: The Key to Achieving Your Goals

Life coaching is a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their personal or professional life. It can help individuals identify their goals, work through obstacles, and create actionable plans to achieve their desired outcomes. However, before embarking on this journey with a life coach, it is essential to establish an agreement or contract that outlines the terms and expectations of the coaching relationship.

Here are some important elements to consider when creating an agreement for life coaching:

Goals and Objectives

The first step in any life coaching relationship is to establish clear goals and objectives. What do you hope to achieve through coaching? What specific outcomes are you looking to attain? It is important to discuss these goals with your coach and make sure you are both on the same page.


Life coaching is a personal and often vulnerable process. It is important to establish confidentiality guidelines from the start. Your coach should have a clear understanding of what information can and cannot be shared with others. This includes discussions about goals, beliefs, fears, and other personal information.

Duration and Frequency

The next important element to consider is the duration and frequency of coaching sessions. Will you meet once a week, twice a month, or on an as-needed basis? How long will each session last? It is essential to establish a regular schedule that is convenient for both you and your coach.

Fees and Payment

Another critical element to include in your agreement is the fee and payment structure. Life coaching can be a significant investment, and it is essential to ensure that you understand and are comfortable with the financial commitment. Discuss your coach`s fees and payment options upfront, and make sure you are both in agreement.


Effective communication is essential for a successful coaching relationship. Establish guidelines for how and when you will communicate with your coach outside of scheduled sessions. This includes email, phone calls, and text messages. It is also important to discuss how your coach will communicate with you if they need to reschedule or cancel a session.

Expectations and Responsibilities

Finally, it is important to establish clear expectations and responsibilities for both you and your coach. This includes action steps and homework assignments. As the client, it is your responsibility to take action on the insights and strategies discussed in sessions. Your coach`s responsibility is to support and guide you through the process.

In conclusion, an agreement for life coaching is a crucial element in establishing a successful relationship with your coach. By discussing and agreeing upon the key elements outlined above, you can ensure that your coaching experience is productive, effective, and aligned with your goals and expectations.
