This Agreement Dated This


When writing legal documents, it is important to ensure that the date of the agreement is properly formatted and clearly stated. One common phrase used to indicate the date of an agreement is “this agreement dated this.”

The phrase “this agreement dated this” is often used at the beginning of legal documents to indicate the date on which the agreement was signed. However, it is important to note that this phrase can be confusing and unclear if not properly formatted.

When using “this agreement dated this,” it is important to include the specific date of the agreement in a clear and concise manner. For example, the phrase could be written as “this agreement dated [insert date].” This clearly indicates the date on which the agreement was signed and avoids any confusion that may arise from the use of the phrase “this agreement dated this.”

In addition to properly formatting the date, it is also important to consider the impact of this date on the rest of the document. For instance, the date of the agreement may impact the validity of certain clauses or provisions.

As a professional, it is important to remember that legal documents must be not only clear and concise but also optimized for search engines. This means including relevant keywords and phrases that potential readers may be searching for.

When writing legal documents, it is also important to consider the target audience and their level of legal understanding. This will ensure that the document is written in a language that is accessible and easily understood by the intended audience.

In conclusion, “this agreement dated this” is a commonly used phrase in legal documents to indicate the date of the agreement. To ensure clarity and avoid confusion, it is important to properly format the date and consider the impact of the date on the rest of the document. As a professional, it is also important to optimize legal documents for search engines and write in a language that is accessible to the intended audience.
